Our Team

ABRAZAR's team consists of over 200 employees and dozens of volunteers. From office staff, to van drivers, to management, all staff and volunteers participate in classes and training sessions offered by Second Harvest Food Bank; Senior Meals and Services; Coastline Community College; Huntington Beach Adult Education; Council on Aging and a wide range of subjects offered by One OC. Staff is required and encouraged to participate in education and training classes as it pertains to their particular duties, program changes and financial reporting requirements from funding sources. 

Gloria Reyes

CEO/Executive Director

John DoeGloria Reyes has been with ABRAZAR since 1975.

714-893-3581 Ext. 107

Fax 714-893-4819


Mario Ortega

Chief Operating Officer

John DoeMario worked as a corporate accountant prior to working with ABRAZAR.

714-893-3581 Ext. 106

Fax 714-893-4819


Lydia Ortega

Transportation Coordinator (English/Spanish)

John DoeFrom safety to customer service,Lydia has achieved every training and certificate of merit that ABRAZAR offers.

714-893-3581 Ext.


Khanh Nguyen

Transportation Coordinator (English/Vietnamese)

John DoeKhanh is an excellent Coordinator and has been with ABRAZAR for 8 years.

714-893-3581 Ext. 122


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