Support Groups


Let's Talk: Mental Health & Coping (ADULTS & TAY)

Hey there! We'd like to invite anyone who's interested in chatting about mental health to join our group. Our ultimate goal is to create a space where everyone feels safe and included - a place where you can share your thoughts and feelings without any judgment. We'll be discussing a range of topics, including generational trauma, mental health conditions, and useful coping strategies. We hope to see you there!


Click the link below to register for your appropriate age group.

ADULT (18-65)

TAY (14-18)





Let's Talk: Substance Use (ADULT & TAY)

Welcome! This community is open to anyone who is interested in learning about Substance Use Disorder. During group, you'll get to know more about the signs and symptoms of use, and discover various prevention and treatment options that are available in your community. We're here to help you gain knowledge and support your wellness journey.

Click the link below to register for your appropriate age group.

ADULT (18-65)

TAY (14-18)


Email C.H.E.N Team: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call C.H.E.N. Team: 7144798868