
seniorgroupVolunteers are an important part of the ABRAZAR’s success in the community. Most staff and volunteers that are bilingual: 60% of staff is Spanish speaking and 40% is Vietnamese speaking.  Many of the volunteers are seniors and have provided staff with a wealth of knowledge and experience in service delivery for other seniors. 

In turn, ABRAZAR staff has provided the volunteers with a sense of accomplishment and a home where their contributions are acknowledged and certainly appreciated by other seniors.  They are able to see, first hand, the important of their work on a daily basis. 

Most of the agency’s volunteers are clients who have received services, and want to give back to their own community. ABRAZAR also recruits volunteers through local churches, colleges, universities, high schools and service clubs. Volunteers are used extensively in the food distribution program and in the senior meals program. 

Volunteers also assist as chaperones during field trips and hosts for special events and parties. On average, the number of volunteers at both sites ranges from 6 to 12 people who contribute 2-4 hours of service per day.  Sign in sheets document arrival and departure time of each volunteer. 

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