Home Visiting Program



What is the CalWORKs Home Visiting Program?

The purpose of the program is to provide voluntary, high-quality home visiting services to support positive health, development, and well-being outcomes for pregnant and parenting women, families, and infants. The Home Visiting provider pairs new parents with a trained professional who meets regularly with the participant to provide guidance, coaching, access to prenatal and postnatal care, and other health and social services.

  • Who is eligible?
    Any person who: Is pregnant OR
    Is a parent/caretaker of a child under the age of 2 AND Eligible for CalWORKs benefits OR a current recipient of the CalWORKs program
    *If you meet the criteria above, you are encouraged to enroll as soon as possible.
    Contact your current CalWORKs caseworker to sign up for the program.

    The Home Visiting Program will help you:

    1. Develop new skills to become a strong, healthy parent.
    2. Ensure your home is a safe and secure environment for your baby to play and thrive.
    3. Learn about strategies to improve your family’s health and provide better developmental opportunities for your child.
    4. Make timely connections and referrals to childcare, healthcare and other community resources.
    5. Set educational and professional goals for you/your family’s future.


Can I cancel my participation in the program at anytime?

  • Yes. Your participation is voluntary, meaning you may withdraw from the program at any time. 

Can the father of my child participate too?

  • Yes. The CalWORKs Home Visiting Program encourages fathers and other family members to be involved and learn how they can best support you.

How much does the program cost?

  • The Home Visiting Program is FREE to all CalWORKs eligible parents/caretakers with a child under 24 months of age.

How often will my Home Visiting worker visit?

  • You and your worker will decide upon the frequency of visits.